Sunday, February 19, 2006

It's not the kindling, it's the remembering that matters.

I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you
I might have missed another point in the last post. I was dwelling on the kindling the fire, stirring the spiritual gift that is in you. Well, that is an important thing to do: stir up the fire so that it doesn't go out. Stir up the spiritual presence in you, the spiritual gift, so that it continues to glow with heat and energy.

But, I need to add that the word 'remind' is important, too. Some of us older ones who have seen and heard many fine, wise words from great saints in the past have to remember, or be reminded, of what we have heard and seen. It is terrible to know what we have seen, and then forgotten. It is terrible to stumble over things in life that we should know better. It is terrible to be confused and at a loss when trials and temptations come our way. It is terrible to lose life, and walk in the soul and feel everything around us is death, and dying, and there is nothing we can do about it. All that we do is dead, or barely alive, and we have forgotten what life feels like.

We need to come back to the Lord. Where did all those good Words go to? Have we gone to sleep? Have we forgotten? Church, WAKE UP!

Remember... that is the word given to the Church at Ephesus:

Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; Rev 2:5

It is a call to a mature assembly that has been around the block, so to speak, not necessarily a young assembly. Not to young Christians. This is for the older ones. This is for the Fathers, and young men, not for the little children.

But it might be a warning for the little children to remember everything you hear. Take note of everything. Don't let go of anything. Watch, listen, pay attention, hold on to everything. Then in 20 years, someone won't need to say to you...remember...


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