Friday, March 31, 2006

Keeping Christ as Lord in Your Heart

1Pe 3:15 but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts...

I want to hold this phrase up as a standard of life for a Christian today. I understand that the KJV and others have a different reading. Newer translations are based on older manuscripts found since the KJV was translated. In any case, either version gives us a foundational truth.

Yes, there are foundational truths. These are standards of truth we can stand on and our feet will not move. We can base our walk on them. We may not understand them fully, and we must grow into them, but they are for us to trust, to cling to, and to expect God to honor in us.

Why hold this phrase up as a standard?

First, the Lordship of Christ is under attack. The enemy must remove the idea from Christians that Jesus is Lord. The attack has taken an intellectual turn in saying that "Lord" is an old-fashioned term, not in use anymore. Jesus is better to be called Master, rather than Lord, since it has more meaning for today's youth.

Second, just as the Lordship of Christ is being de-valued, so is the aspect of His title "the Christ", meaning "the Anointed One". Peter said in his sermon in Acts 2, God has made Him both "Lord and Christ...." The enemy will attack this anointing because it is the measure of His office as Prophet, Priest and King. Remove the recognition of that office, and you have an earthly Jesus, who was a great teacher, and someone we can aspire to be like.

Both attacks are happening now. Both are very powerful deceptions. Many in the church are deceived by the enemy. Many want to follow this earthly Jesus. There is no power there. There is no life changing power. The resurrection has yet to take place in this theology. Watch when someone speaks or writes about 'Jesus'. Who are they speaking about?

I think this is very old attack. There is nothing new here. It was happening in the Church in the time of the Apostles. Paul dealt with this, I think, in 2 Cor 5:16.
2Co 5:16 Therefore from now on we recognize no man according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer.
Many might have known Christ in the flesh. They may have even touched Him. That would be no claim to fame, Paul is saying. We are not to know Christ in the flesh. We are to know Him in the Spirit. This is where the attack is aimed at. To pull Christians away from knowing the full revelation of Jesus Christ Lord. It is a revelation. It is for everyone who desires to follow the Lord.

Pray for eyes to see this. Then, if God reveals anything to you, watch out. The enemy will come shortly after to steal that from you.


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